Sunday, September 30, 2012

SO MUCH COMICS!! SO MUCH OF THEM!!: Demon Knights #12

SO MUCH COMICS!! SO MUCH OF THEM!!: Demon Knights #12:


Demon Knights: Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves, Oclair Albert, Dan Green, Marcelo Maiolo, Jared K. Fletcher, Alex Garner

We’re in! Inside Morgaine’s tower. Apparently, all of Camelot-that-was is crammed into the space of the tower, magically. I love how this book always manages to surprise me…

You know, the whole Horsewoman as an avatar of the Red thing flew completely over my head when I read this issue, but now that you point it out it makes SO MUCH SENSE. And it’s not like it’s the only connection hinted at, I am pretty sure Al Jabr is the first Engineer.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

cracked: Priest says Hell is an invention of the church to...


Priest says Hell is an invention of the church to control people with fear.


I wish more Christians (well, believers in general, actually) in the world were like this guy.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

leasthelpful: “Just like the Hitler youth, except the...


“Just like the Hitler youth, except the opposite”

I’m glad his attempt to turn his children into bigots backfired! :-P I like how trying to promote tolerance is ‘brainwashing’ but indoctrinating them into fundamentalist Christianity somehow isn’t.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

APE IN A CAPE: So, About The Reboot

APE IN A CAPE: So, About The Reboot:


I’ve gotten a lot of questions about this today, some a little bit hostile, some a little bit lacking in factual basis.

I never feel like it’s my job to disagree with people’s value judgments…if they hate the new52 or Marvel NOW or any of those kinds of changes and initiatives, that’s perfectly…

Reblogging because I think it needed to be said. There are certainly aspects of the New 52 that I dislike, some very strongly. (Stormwatch, mainly, because I wanted to like it so badly. I can accept that some books just aren’t for me, and ignore them with no hard feelings, as long as there are some books that I do like. But Stormwatch was the one I wanted to like the most due to The Authority) I am sure there will be aspects of Marvel NOW that I won’t like. But that doesn’t mean my opinion is reflective of everyone, or that the whole thing wasn’t warranted. And there have been some very cool things to come out of it. And I do think DC has been listening and going back and fixing some things that didn’t work initially.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Amber Unmasked » Horrendous Swipe Files Lead Kubert School to Fire New Teacher

Amber Unmasked » Horrendous Swipe Files Lead Kubert School to Fire New Teacher:

Wow. I can’t even imagine doing this. Though I know for a fact people fake their way into positions all the time. One guy used MY art, along with several other artists, to get hired at Square Enix once. I also had my entire figure drawing portfolio stolen at Sheridan once (presumably in order to get into Animation. It was kept in a drawer with everyone elses in the drawing room, they said it happened from time to time and I had to scrape together a new portfolio for that term from leftovers) But whether at Square or the Kubert school, it’s always baffled me that someone would try to do that. Ok, say your stolen portfolio gets you hired or whatever… Then what? They’re going to expect you to do some work AFTER you’re hired, and it’s going to be something you can’t steal, so you are GOING to get found out as a fraud, and likely pretty quickly. And this guy, if you look at the slides he was using, they may be nice enough drawings, but many are not good representations of the concepts they are meant to illustrate, so he probably doesn’t even understand the concepts he’s supposed to be teaching on a basic level.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

dylanmeconis: I just posted something I’ve been wanting to...


I just posted something I’ve been wanting to write for a long time: an essay on how NOT to write comics criticism. It’s my personal hit-list of the top ten intellectual misconceptions, dumb shortcuts, and silly cliches that I encounter in otherwise intelligent book reviews, articles, and interviews.

You can read it over at my blog!

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